“There is a lot of data the federal government has and we need to make sure that all the data that is not private, or restricted for national security reasons, can be made publicâ€
— Vivek Kundra, The USA’s New Chief Information Officer
"…the Department of Justice will defend a denial of a FOIA request only if (1) the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interested protected by one of the statutory exemptions, or (2) the disclosure is prohibited by law."
— New FOIA Guidelines Issued by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
When the U.K. Govt. showed a GIS application (pre Google Earth) that could report the soil type, nearest drain, and regional rainfall for every mile of road, they could almost predict where the potholes would be and what drains were going to stop up. So smart people got together here to create the Data Interchange for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (URL from back in the day that Modeling Language was the moniker)
If we don't run out of money, we too may get those potholes filled faster.
I am hooked on the Gmail way of managing mail conversations by tags rather than by directories, it's really hard to leave that (and other features) behind, now that I'm trying to get rid of my gAddiction.
I'd rather have a web-based program as well, so I can access it on my server from anywhere, but I'd settle for a local system. I read people have imitated several sides of this in Thunderbird but it's far from being useful, or stable.
I haven't used roundcube in a while, Squirel and IMP3 is a little crude (imp4 I haven't tried) and I am not really sure what else is out there that is worth my time to test (Zimbra?)
Can anyone recommend a good tool/combo or two to try?
Posting this in English so it can help a few more people out there. It will also bore my usual readers so if you want to read the full story I'm using the fold feature I'm usually not very fond of. להמשיך לקרוא Software RAID and LVM story